Saturday, September 26, 2015

7- Post Blog Series (Trailer)

VIBGYOR - That is how we used to remember the rainbow colours in order. Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green,Yellow, Orange, Red. Each colour has its own frequency and a group of people who consider it as their favorite. There are so many different set of colours out there, but this is what we can distinctively obtain by passing sunlight through a water droplet or simple put, on a sunny rainy day. Black and White, absence and presence of all colours respectively, complete the set. In some culture white is auspicious and black is gloomy and in others it exactly the other way round.

Then we have seven wonders of the world. 10 years down the line we may have a completely different set of wonders. Each has its different meaning and made in different decades and even centuries. There seem to be no connection between them like the colours. Above set of colours are part of something what we  know as white light or sunlight. Why only seven wonders of the world? I am yet to find out, but that is not what I am currently interested in.

Just two examples of set of 7, one is nature's gift and other is man made structures grouped in one. There is one example which is combination of man-made classifications and forces of nature. One large mass of land existed and through thousands and lakhs of years of evolution we now have 6 distinguishable huge land masses but classified into 7 continents. Then there is religion coming in, 'Shaadi k saat pheere'. The less I speak about it the better. There are other examples which could be listed. Someone may come up with any other number too, but my main focus is SEVEN.

It took me 7 years after my 12th to finish off my graduation and plus the post graduation. What's more, my name SANDEEP is a 7 letter word, a perfect coincidence. Above paragraphs is just an example of random stuffs bonded together by 7. I will be writing 7 posts for next seven days (one post a day). It will be based on seven days of week. Colour of the day, some 2-3 more lines about it. I may or may not discuss my present day events, but I will be describing in detail about what each day means for me. A childhood memory or teenage years or college project days.. Just me and that particular day :)

! ! ! 7 days of week coming soon ! ! !

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