Friday, December 18, 2015

The First Juggling Performance of My LIFE

There was some technical function in my office this week (16 and 17 December) and all the new joinees were busy in volunteering and looking after the arrangements under the guidance of our seniors. The event helped to break the monotony of regular office work. At the end there was a small dinner party was arranged for us (Volunteers) by office. There were few batchmates performing musicals and also planning for few games. I thought of putting up my juggling show but quickly turned it down, since it would be too immature a show.

This idea pops into my mind before 5 pm and we had show at 8pm. Some Solid encouragement from friends and I finally decided to give it a try. Dropping balls in front of the crowd was the least of my concern. I was worried about the time slot, I didn't had enough tricks to go for more than 3 mins. Juggling show - a lot is expected than just 3 ball basic cascade. You also need to be a performer and I was assuming that I would be busy focusing on juggling and no crowd contact.

Office, Home and Party venue were in close proximity and so I was able to go home after the office and practice for 30 mins and have a dress change too. I wanted to time my practice but the change over time between office and party was late and just warmed up with few tricks. There was one more trick I practiced a lot, picking a fallen club by kick. It worked at times in practice and times it didn't.

Finally the party started and first performance was a musical. They just rocked, Guitarist, the Singers - super Awesome. A perfect start for a perfect evening. My roomies were next to me and kept telling them - 'This is the first time I am nervous about performing on stage' I remember there was a time I told to myself - 'Ok, you are nervous, but you will be soon performing on stage. A property of performers is to hide the anxiety and fears inside and put up a good face. Moments later I was like who cares, I am nervous and I can't get over it.' They calmed me down and at the same time motivated me.

Finally the time came and Juggling balls first. I spoke that I am a beginner and I am nervous too and it was visible since I dropped in first few seconds performing basic trick. After few deep breaths and claps I got in the rhythm. 3 ball tricks and under the leg throws. Before going for the actual under the leg throws, I tried to copy one of the juggler's show trick that I saw. In that you pretend to throw the ball under the leg but don't actually do it and then ask audience if they saw it. Then you follow it up saying that you will do it in slow motion and then you actually throw it under the leg, that really generated some laughs among the friends. Then 4 balls, something that I am not good at, but still few throws here and there and the trick was done. Then the rings, three rings. There is a way in which you end the trick by putting all the three rings around your neck, I tried that trick and it worked, although bit clumsy.

Finally, the new props, Juggling clubs. Again, three club cascade. I tried the kick pick up and wow, It was perfectly executed and ended perfectly too. For the show stopper I tried one of each, a ball, a club and a ring, one of the toughest of all the remaining tricks that I performed that evening. !0 to 15 throws got executed nicely and I was done. A final Bow at the end- felt majestic.

Finally all the participation and fun-games-winner got some Smiley balls and it was majestic. Finally the nervousness was over-shadowed, not in an ideal manner. Thanks a TON for my friends and roomies for motivating me.

I registered my First Juggling Show. I started somewhere in mid-jan after running the half-marathon and was able to have my first show within a year of my training. The main concern that show will end within 2 mins was a highly inaccurate judgement, It lasted for almost 5 mins. Signing Off for now - Keep JUGGLING :)


  1. Sandeeps the juggling was executed very well and you had all of us awe struck with your tricks.
    And when we got to know that you haven't taken any formal training....we were bowled out..

    Keep it up....👍👍

    1. Thank you very much sir :)
      Thanks for the motivation (y)
