Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Winter Rain Message

A message I wrote to one of my friend. A rainy morning followed by soothing afternoon. Missing a friend in Rains has a totally different feeling. Enjoy the message -

Feels like u left n sky cried. Reflecting moods n emotions of all in Mumbai connected to you. The climate is still romamtic n so these aren't sadness tears. Yup, they miss you, bt happy tears they were that fell down. Wishing a nice n pleasant all the best to you. Rains r n assurance to ppl here in Mumbai that amidst d sun n cold, d soothing rain will come by. Through messengers like me, its a message to you.
A message to you which says that after hard work n brainstorming in insti, after having not so good tym with colleagues n after everything that happened, rains will n have come to wash you off. To wash off all non good things that happened. To refresh you n make ready for next day n to make u recall about ur near n dear ones. Also its a chance for you to wear ur shoes n jump in small water puddles.


  1. Awesome piece !! Lucky your friend is.. And do convey my thanks to your friend for having asked you to share this message.. Cheered me up too !! Innocent, simple and full of hope !!!

    1. Yup, I will do the needful and convey your message. I am Happy that this Cheered up you too.. You should meet her someday..
